How To Choose The Best RDA?
Vaping hardware is the equipment used in vaping. The main parts of the vaping hardware include:
The atomizer – The atomizer is the heating element that turns your e-liquid into vapor.
The mod – The mod is essentially the battery that powers the atomizer and other components.
The tank – The tank is where you store your e-liquid, although some tanks are refillable, while others are not.
The drip tip – The drip tip is just what it sounds like — it’s a mouthpiece for your tank or RDA (ReBuildable Dripping Atomizer). You can get different styles and shapes of drip tips, from simple round tips to fancy ones with designs and colors on them.
The cotton – The cotton is a component that goes in your atomizer, and it absorbs the juice. It’s best to change out the cotton regularly. You can get different types of cotton, including organic and Japanese cotton.
The drip shield – The drip shield is a small plastic or stainless steel piece that fits over your tank and keeps any e-liquid from leaking out of the top while you vape.
The coil/s – The coils are what heat up the e-liquid and turn it into vapor. There are many different types of coils, but we’ll cover that in another article.
The battery – The battery is what powers your mod and atomizer, either manually (by pressing a button) or automatically (with a switch).
What Is The Best RDA?
With so many RDA’s on the market, it can be difficult to choose the one that best suits your needs. There are some key things to consider when choosing an RDA, including the size and shape of your build deck, how easy it is to use, and if it has any features that make building easier or more efficient. The best RDA’s will have a wide range of airflow options, which allow you to customize your vape experience even more. It is also important to consider if the RDA has any extra features that make it easier or more efficient to use (such as a juice well).
The Kong RDA by qp design is a high-quality RDTA that features a 24mm diameter, making it perfect for those looking for an RDA with plenty of room to build. It has two large posts that are gold-plated and come with flathead screws for easier building. The juice well can hold up to 3ml of e-juice and is easily accessed through the bottom cap. You can order Kong RDA qp Design from Vaper Choice. They have the best deals online.
The Kong RDA seems to be the most popular RDA on the market right now. It has a wide range of airflow options, including dual and quad cyclops slots, which allow you to customize your vaping experience. The deck is designed so that it is easy to build on with large posts and holes for screws in each post hole. It also comes with an 810 drip tip adapter (which can be removed if you prefer one of your own) and two different types of chuff caps: one that uses four holes and one that uses six holes.