Patent Applicant
The patent applicant has two choices:
1. Elect to have the patent application published after 18 months from application date, or.
2. Elect not to have the patent application published after 18 months.
If you elect not to have your patent application published after 18 months, you cannot file an application for your invention in another country, or under multilateral international agreement, such as the Patent Cooperation Treaty, that requires publication of applications 18 months after filing.
If at any time after the non-publication request is filed with your application, you should decide that you do want your application published by the USPTO, your non-publication request may be rescinded by filing the appropriate documents and paying the appropriate charges. There is no additional fee required to initiate the non-published application as described onĀ https://kulturehub.com/inventhelp-support-inventors/.
If you elect to have your patent application published after 18 months, it will provide you the opportunity to file for a foreign patent application, if you so choose to do so. There is no obligation to file for a foreign patent application by selecting this option. However, there will be an additional charge required to file your application to be published in 18 months. The charge is inclusive of the fees charged by the USPTO.
Please understand that if you choose to file a foreign application in the future, there will be additional charges and fees required on your behalf. These costs will range in price between $10,000.00 and $30,000.00 or more, depending on which foreign filings you may choose. These costs will be defined in detail if and when you decide to file for a foreign patent application. Read more about patenting an invention fromĀ https://twitter.com/inventhelp.