Spread The Gospel through Awesome Christian T-shirts
There are many ways to spread the word about the gospel. For many people, they spread it through their testimony. Their loved ones would know them before they got into a relationship with Jesus Christ. They can compare that past life and their current life. That is one of the most powerful ways to spread the word. It doesn’t have to involve going door-to-door, going on street corners and preaching. In essence, through your personal story of transformation and changed life, your life is the greatest testimony to the power of Jesus Christ to take fallen and sinful human beings and turn them into new creatures. If you have that personal testimony like all Christians should, why not give people outside your friends and family a hint of that transformation through the awesome Christian t-shirts you wear? It is quite fitting that you should wear an awesome t-shirt that reflects the greatness of God’s message as it played out and still continues to play out in your life as written in http://www.topsitenet.com/article/497522-wear-christian-t-shirts-/ article.
Proclaim the message with great Christian shirts
Other people fulfill the great commission through outreach and missions. This means going on a medical mission, physically helping the poor and the needy through soup kitchens, and rural outreach programs. If you are fulfilling the great commission this way, you should also wear awesome Christian t-shirts They let people know who your boss is. It is one thing to see all your good works but your t-shirt from afar tells them why you’re doing what you’re doing. It also educates people what gives you the power to do that. Our righteousness, according to the book of Isaiah, is like a dirty rag. It is only through the righteousness of Christ that we become new creatures. Let that shine out. Let it become abundantly clear through the awesome Christian t-shirts that you wear. You will probably be the only bible some people will ever get to read. Proclaim the good news through your character and your good works. Make it abundantly clear to whoever is watching you witness with your works who really strenghthens you by wearing awesome Christian t-shirts.