Why Wear Christian Shirts?
Gone are the days of when folks my age were kids – days when a Christian tee shirt meant some kind of plain shirt that we got at summer camp. You know, blue shirts for guys and red shirts for girls with “Grace Baptist Church, Summer Camp 1975″ printed on them along with the Bible verse that was the theme for that year. Nice, but not very exciting.
Christian tee shirts today are almost a fashion style to themselves. And it’s not just tee shirts as you can see from Ken’s Christian T-Shirts – Christian Clothing portal. It’s caps, hoodies, sweats, jackets, and a whole lot more. And we’re not talking just about clothing that is custom screen-printed for a particular event.
I once heard a person comment that “they didn’t need to wear a Christian t-shirt to let people know that they were a Christian.” And that is a great testimony! But the truth of the matter is that we don’t wear Christian t-shirts to tell the world more about us, we wear them to tell the world more about Christ!
It could be as simple as a person at the checkout line reading the back of your shirt and being touched by the message that it shares. Or perhaps a person asking you about what your shirt means, and it opens up the opportunity for you to start a conversation that maybe you wouldn’t have had the courage to initiate on your own. Either way, wearing Christian t-shirts and apparel isn’t about you, it’s about Jesus Christ and spreading the Gospel to the world.