Witnessing Through Christian Gifts
Everything you do reflects your character. Your choice of clothing, your choice of words, even your facial expressions reflect what is in your heart. If you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you have been given a wonderful gift-the Holy Spirit. In addition to saving us by covering us in His blood, Jesus’ sacrifice and ressurection gives us the Holy Spirit to guide us in our daily lives. The Spirit dwells within us and gives us the power to resist what’s wrong and do what’s right. Not just when other people are looking. Not just when it feels good or when it’s convenient. No-the Holy Spirit convicts, prods, and empowers us to live Christ-like lives. In short, by accepting Christ we are able to reflect his character because of his Spirit. This is the most powerful gift we can ever receive from anyone. Ever. Why? It is a gift that keeps on giving.
Every time we resist hurting others and resist putting ourselves first, we achieve victory. We are able to keep doing the right things, saying the right things, and thinking the right things. Not because of ourselves but because of Jesus. He does it for us. We ourselves are too sinful to desire what is good and what is right but He does it for us. We just need to accept him. He changes our character. Pretty soon, our choice of clothing, our choice of words, our facial expressions reflect the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Pretty soon, we reflect love, peace, patience, joy, gentleness, kindness, faithfulness, self-control, and the other fruit of the Holy Spirit. This blessing is also reflected in the gifts we give to others.
By giving Christian gifts, we reflect the gifts the Holy Spirit has given us as you can read from http://www.uberant.com/article/694820-put-on-christian-t-shirts-/. Everything we do is a witness to our conversion. Christian gifts make it clear to the receiver who the center of our lives is. This surrender is the key to any honest and real Christian walk. Christian gifts like Christian t-shirts and other Scripture-inspired goods seek to reflect spiritual realities in common material things. They point the receiver to deeper truths. Only the Holy Spirit can convert but we can help spread the Word and the truth of the gospel by witnessing through our words, our facial expressions, the way we live our lives, and yes, through the gifts we give to others.