Your Estate Plan
Imagine going in and setting up an estate plan with a lawyer as a young bachelor, still pursuing a college education or just recently graduated. Now imagine five years later, you are married and have a child and another on the way. Your needs in just about every facet of your life are different now than they were five years ago.
This also means of course that the estate plan you set up as a college student is largely irrelevant and you will need to update your estate plan. This is why it is so crucial to hire a qualified and experienced lawyer and to approach that hiring decision with the utmost care. You will be working with that person throughout your entire life and need to be able to get along with them as your life situation changes and your plan needs fluctuate.
Your Estate Planning Lawyer Should Know You
Of course your avocat succession is going to get to know you through working with you throughout your life but your attorney should know you because he or she has worked with clients in similar situations. When looking for a lawyer, talk to them about your situation, where you are at in your life, and your feelings about estate planning.
Then ask them to reiterate some of their experience working with clients in similar situations with similar ideas about the estate planning process. This will help you ensure that you hire and continue to work with a lawyer who knows your best interests.
You Might Need Your Lawyer for Other Issues
Finally, estate planning is one area of law that often reaches out into other areas of the law. Make sure that you work with someone who is qualified and experienced to represent you in other matters such as real estate law, tax law, and business law. Finding an attorney who can help you with these other issues may save you money and time, and you have the added benefit of working with an attorney who already knows you and your situation.